Sponsor a Bright Start Child

By sponsoring a child, you are changing a life forever

Thank you for your interest in sponsoring a child on the Bright Start Programme. Your sponsorship will provide a child access to quality education his or family can not afford.

Please complete the form below. If you wish to complete this form manually, Please download and print the attached form and email it to us


Commitment form 2021

Bright Start sponsorship committment form

  • 1) Personal Details

  • 2) Sponsorship

  • 3) Method of Payment

  • Sawabona Africa Banking Details:
    Bank: Deutsche Skatbank
    Account Name: Sawabona Africa e.V.
    IBAN: DE30 8306 5408 0004 2713 86

  • Direct Debit / SEPA Mandate

  • Name and Number: VR 208855

    Account holder: Sawabona Africa e.V.

    Responsible: Zilla Schuurmans-Stekhoven, Karolingerallee7; 81545 München

    SEPA ID: DE26ZZZ00002398699

    Mandate Reference: Sponsorship

  • I authorize Sawabona Africa e.V. to collect payments from my account by direct debit. At the same time, I instruct my credit institution to honour the direct debits drawn on my account by the above-mentioned association.

    Note: I am entitled to request reimbursement of the debited amount within eight weeks, as from with the debit date. The conditions agreed with my credit institution apply.

  • Please enter your annual or monthly commitment.

  • DD dot MM dot YYYY
  • If my/our account does not have the required cover, the account-holding credit institution is not obliged to honour the payment. Account changes must be notified in good time. Any costs of the return debit note shall be borne by the account holder.

  • 4) Please Note

  • Terms of Sponsorship

    • All personal details and financial information are held in strictest respect, confidence and security

    • We will send all payment confirmations by email

    • Donations are tax deductable and we will issue a Tax Certificate at the end of the calendar year

    • As a sponsor, you will receive quarterly reports on the academic progress of your child

    • We request a minimum of 2 years commitment with a notice period of 3 months

    • All communication will be facilitated by Sawabona Africa

  • 5) Message to Sawabona Africa (optional)

  • 6) Consent

  • not required for donations under 300 €

  • By clicking confirm, I agree to pay the sponsorship fees in advance as indicated on this form.