Impande South Africa

A fair start in life

Impande supports grassroots Early Childhood Development  for children of the ages of 0 to 5 (ECD). The focus is on the children in the most marginilised and poorest communities in South Africa. To succeed these children from poor households need additional support in their development and readiness to learn.

Impande’s mission is to provide good quality early learning services. They improve access to classrooms and the related infrastructure. They also provide resources including meals for the children.

We will only see an equal tomorrow when children are given a fair start in life.


61 %

of children are developmentally at risk due to malnutrition and poor stimulation.


> 50%

of Pre-schools centres operate from poor facilities with minimum resources.

women at ECD


of the caregivers working in Pre-schools lack income.

Sawabona Africa supports Impande's mission to catalyse investment in community driven, quality Pre-schools

Join us in our infrastructure projects

Our goal is to help the pre-schools which operate in sub optimal conditions.  All the infrastructure projects utilise emerging black businesses to support labour and use local materials.  We want to insure that your investment not only has a huge social impact but creates local economic impact in the community.

Build a Pre-school

From this…


To this…

Impande after

We support the construction of safe, low-cost classrooms in the most marginalized communities. The classrooms are built with adequate space to improve children’s learning environments.  Impande’s low cost ECD infrastructure model has been developed with scalability, functionality and learning in mind. 

New classrooms are selected based on a needs assessment and a thorough review. 

Cost of a 2 classroom Pre-school (60 children): 19.500 EUR

Cost of a 1 classroom Pre-school (30 children): 14.500 EUR

This includes: kitchen, rain water collection tank, sick bay, pour flush toilets, fencing, gate, and a basic education resource box.

Provide sanitation

From this…

Impande old toilet

To this…

Ensure basic sanitation: A pour flush toilet is like a regular flush toilet except that the water is poured using a 1.5 litre jug which is sufficient to flush. This is a water efficient solution and even grey water can be used to flush.  Waste is transported by pipe to an underground drainage system. 

Cost per toilet: 800 EUR

Other infrastructure upgrades

From this…

To this…

new fencing

Upgrade infrastructure at an existing Pre-School, e.g., fencing to secure the school, playground, outdoor equipment, additional classrooms.   

Cost for fencing plus gate: 1.600 EUR

 Join us and reach the most marginalised communities. Achieve high impact through investing at grassroots where support is most needed.