Child Sponsorship

hope for Lesotho's children

Help for Lesotho’s children

If you ask children in Lesotho about their greatest wish, they almost always say: “I want to go to school!” – then their eyes light up with hope!
They really want to learn – but not only that: for many children in Lesotho, school is the only place where they can live in decent conditions, where they get food and clothing … And they also learn for life (and survival): for themselves, for their classmates, their families and their communities.

Bright Start. Bright Smiles

A small contribution – a large impact: Child Sponsorship in South Africa

In South Africa, a good school education usually depends on the financial means of the parents. Unfortunately, the colour of your skin and where you were born still largely determines which school a child attends. Bright Start not only provides poorer children with a good education through sponsorships, it also supports them in their overall long term development. In this blog you will learn more about the school situation in South Africa and how you can help a child receive a better education by sponsoring a child.