Sawabona Africa

About Sawabona AFrica_our story

Falling in love with PYMA

Imagine going to school in a class that is overcrowded. Hungry. You have started school without the basic fine motor skills, or entry level language skills and you just can’t keep up. When you go home after school, you have nobody to help you with your homework, or your caregiver can not read. Your neighbourhood is rife with gangs, drugs, alcohol abuse, crime and high unemployment.

Falling in love with PYMA Read More »

whites only

Being educated in apartheid South Africa – to founding Sawabona Africa

What was it like growing up under apartheid? Was there a difference in the education you received as a white person compared to the rest of the population? What was your reality? These are the questions I reflect on even more since starting Sawabona Africa.

Being educated in apartheid South Africa – to founding Sawabona Africa Read More »