Help Lesotho
Supporting the next generation in Lesotho
Help Lesotho delivers life skills training and mental health support in rural Lesotho.
They offer programmes which include the Child Sponsorship programme for children who have no other chance to receive High School education.
Their mission is to provide the youth of Lesotho the support and agency to create healthy and self-sustaining futures.
From Yes we Care! e.V. to Help Lesotho
''We will continue to support the children of Lesotho!''
The end of the charity organization Yes we care! e.V. had to be decided on 31.12.2021. Countless needy children in Lesotho were able to benefit from various Yes we care! e.V. projects and will continue to do so in the future. Former sponsored students from the Yes we care! e.V. child sponsorship program managed to get a tertiary education and are now in well-paying jobs. Yes we care! e.V. worked for over 10 years in close cooperation with the Canadian aid organization Help Lesotho.
Sawabona Africa e.V. has brought Help Lesotho under its umbrella to ensure a continuation of support for needy children in Lesotho to be helped with school education through individual donations or sponsorships.
About Lesotho

- Nearly 1 in 4 people in Lesotho are HIV -positive. An entire generation was lost to this epidemic, leaving a massive cohort of orphaned children.
- 86% of girls and women in Lesotho report having experienced gender-based violence.
- Half of Lesotho’s population lives in poverty, with much higher rates in rural areas where Help Lesotho works.
- Unemployment is rampant.
- Suicide rate is 10 times higher than the global average

About Lesotho
- Nearly 1 in 4 people in Lesotho are HIV -positive. An entire generation was lost to this epidemic, leaving a massive cohort of orphaned children.
- 86% of girls and women in Lesotho report having experienced gender-based violence.
- Half of Lesotho’s population lives in poverty, with much higher rates in rural areas where Help Lesotho works.
- Unemployment is rampant.
- Suicide rate is 10 times higher than the global average
Our partnership with Help Lesotho

Leadership Camp
Help Lesotho hosts an annual 5-day Leadership Camp.
For most children, attending Camp is the highlight of their year. Per Camp, up to 150 children are invited to attend, where they spend their days participating in exciting workshops, making crafts, playing sports and learning about important topics such as HIV/AIDS and life skills, and spend their evenings making new friends and showcasing their talents at the nightly talent shows. In addition, children are provided counselling to learn to cope with the loss of their parents. Campers receive healthy meals and snacks, a safe place to sleep, and a chance to take a break from the constant challenges of their lives.
Cost of leadership camp:
- 120 € per annum
- 10 € per month

Help Lesotho hosts an annual 5-day Leadership Camp.
For most children, attending Camp is the highlight of their year. Over 150 children are invited to attend a Camp, where they spend their days participating in exciting workshops, making crafts, playing sports and learning about important topics such as HIV/AIDS and life skills, and spend their evenings making new friends and showcasing their talents at the nightly talent shows. Campers receive healthy meals and snacks, a safe place to sleep, and a chance to take a break from the constant challenges of their lives.
Cost of leadership camp:
- 120 € per annum
- 10 € per month
Child Sponsorship Programme
Child Sponsorship matches sponsors with students in rural communities who have no chance to pay the prohibitive high school fees. The Child Sponsorship Programme is the only option for many of these children to continue going to school and achieve their dream of being educated.
The Child Sponsorship Programme is a combination of financial support for formal education and psychosocial support to help children grow up.
Cost of Sponsorship Programme (may change in 2024 due to exchange rate variability):
Monthly Donation: 30 € or 35 € including Leadership Camp
Annual Donation: 365 € or 425 € including Leadership Camp

Child Sponsorship matches sponsors with students in rural communities who have no chance to pay the prohibitive high school fees. The Child Sponsorship Programme is the only option for many of these children to continue going to school and achieve their dream of being educated.
The Child Sponsorship Programme is a combination of financial support for formal education and psychosocial support to help children grow up.
Cost of Sponsorship Programme in (subject to currency fluctuations):
Monthly Donation: 30 € or 35 € including Leadership Camp
Annual Donation: 365 € or 425 € including Leadership Camp

Education Fund
In a desperately poor country where countless children can only dream of attending secondary school because their families simply cannot afford it, this education fund makes it possible to support a child’s education without taking over a concrete sponsorship.
Donations go into the education support fund of Help Lesotho, from which numerous individual cases are financed, e.g.:
- Covering the expensive exam fees for children who would otherwise not be able to graduate from school
- Interim financing of school fees and school clothing for needy children until they can be accepted into the sponsorship programme.

Support education without a sponsorship
In a desperately poor country where countless children can only dream of attending secondary school because their families simply cannot afford it, this education fund makes it possible to support a child’s education without taking over a concrete sponsorship.
Donations go into the education support fund of Help Lesotho, from which numerous individual cases are financed, e.g.:
- Covering the expensive exam fees for children who would otherwise not be able to graduate from school.
- Interim financing of school fees and school clothing for needy children until they can be accepted into the sponsorship programme.